• Mining and Coal Mining Workers' Compensation | Rockwood

    Rockwood's specialty is underwriting workers' compensation insurance for the mining industry, with a focus on the coalmining industry. We target both surface and underground operations. Coverage is written on a guaranteed cost, with a retrospectively rated and a large deductible basis within our core region. Coverage for the expanded territories is primarily underwritten through large deductible .

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  • Turkey's mining industry

    the sector is focused on luring in more foreign juniors and bringing the practices of its domestic players up to international standards. Turkey's fast growing economy, boasting a GDP that has tripled since 2003, its young population with a median age of 29, and its central geographic positioning lend the mining sector strong funda

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  • Govt, Stakeholders Discuss Mining Sector Licensing System ...

    Oct 06, 2016· Govt, Stakeholders Discuss Mining Sector Licensing System. Representatives from government, mining business operators, developments partners and nongovernment organisations met in Vientiane to consult on ways to improve and change mining sector licensing .

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  • State of Mining in Africa In the spotlight Deloitte

    region. In this year's edition of State of Mining in Africa – In the spotlight, we take a further look at, and reflect back on, our observations to see how the broad industry is progressing. We also follow case studies that, in our view, provide good examples that support .

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  • Licensing the Exploration for and Production of Petroleum ...

    Licensing the Exploration for and Production of Petroleum on the UK Continental Shelf. / Gordon, Greg W; Paterson, John Beattie. Regulation of The Upstream Petroleum Sector: A Comparative Study of Licensing and Concession Systems. ed. / Tina Hunter.

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  • Licensing and negotiation | Natural Resource Governance ...

    Oct 02, 2019· Licensing and negotiation Who has the authority to issue drilling and mining licenses, and on what terms, varies between extractive countries. Finetuning those processes is key to beneficial resource governance.

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  • Mexico M. Mining and Minerals |

    Mexico's mining industry is integrating new technologies in a conservative way. The sector lacks reliable suppliers of exploration services and perforation technologies, including solutions for a faster supply chain and production flow to maintain low production costs.

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  • Mongolia | Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative

    The main taxes levied on the mining sector include royalties, corporate income tax, customs duties and licence fees, while the major oil and gas levies are state petroleum receipts from productionsharing agreements, corporate income tax and customs duties.

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  • What is in licensing and out licensing in pharmaceutical ...

    Jul 13, 2018· These are relative terms. If i license a product from you, I am inlicensing it and you are outlicensing it. If I license a product to you, then I am outlicensing and you are inlicensing. Licensing is basically giving another party permission t...

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  • Mineral Exploration Mining Province of British Columbia

    Mining Compliance Enforcement The Province is committed to ensuring that remains a leader in mining regulation and oversight, while enhancing responsible resource development and strengthening First Nations involvement in 's mining sector.

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  • Australian mining key risks KPMG Australia

    "The results point to a dynamic and confident outlook for the mining sector in the next twelve months both in Australia and overseas." Mr Hart said the KPMG Mining survey was conducted during late 2018 a year of growing uncertainty combined with strong growth potential for the mining industry.

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  • Corruption Risks in Mining Sector Licencing

    The awarding of mining licences at the beginning of the value chain is arguably the foundation for success or failure in whether mining delivers development; however, experience has shown that with huge sums involved and complex administration, mining sector licencing is .

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  • Mining Engineer: Job Description Requirements

    Licensing Requirements. Any mining engineer who works in the public sector must have a state license. Requirements vary by state, but typically include a combination of education and .

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  • What are environmental regulations on mining activities ...

    Metal Mining and the Environment (Booklet), American Geosciences Institute Provides basic information about the mining cycle, from exploration for economic mineral deposits to mine closure. The booklet discusses the environmental aspects of metal mining and illustrates the ways science and technology assist in preventing or reducing ...

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  • Apply for a mining permit | South African Government

    A mining permit is valid for the period specified on the permit, but may not exceed two years. It may however be renewed for three more periods of no more than a year each. A mining permit may only be issued if: the mineral in question can be mined optimally .

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  • Social licence and mining A critical perspective

    That mining companies make efforts to 'obtain', 'maintain', 'retain', 'renew' a social licence are all taken as given by the sector. Even in the face of doubt about the operational utility of the term on the ground, the industry continues to hold up the idea of a 'social licence' as a plausible and viable construct.

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    anchored on the need to develop a private sector led mining industry with Government restricting its role to that of an administrator / regulator. This article is intended to provide an overview of the legal/legislative framework most likely to be relevant to foreign investors considering investing in Nigeria's mining sector.

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  • Mining

    Includes the following programs: Operator Licensing, Mine Subsidence Insurance, Blasting Training and Licensing, and the Areas Unsuitable for Mining. The mission of the Office of Active and Abandoned Mine Operations is to: Minimize impacts to the environment while providing a climate that encourages economic growth

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  • Sierra Leone | Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative

    Sep 16, 2019· The main fiscal tools in the mining sector are corporate income tax and mineral royalty. The main fiscal instruments in the upstream oil and gas sector are royalty and corporate income tax. Contracts. The government of Sierra Leone does not have a contract disclosure policy.

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